How to Create an Infographic Using PiktoChart
We used this activity instead of a Socratic Seminar at the end of the month for the informational papers. Students
We used this activity instead of a Socratic Seminar at the end of the month for the informational papers. Students
My (Your) syllabus: What a perfect way to teach students about informational text. No need to create any special lesson
This is an updated tutorial on using Flubaroo and Google Spreadsheets to grade assessments easily and quickly.
Tabs Saver Chrome Extension the Ultimate Time Saver for Teachers
Generation Z or the “Igeneration” is the generation that follows “The Millennials”. Typically, a generation last 20 or so years.
I use WordPress because it is a free, open (CMS) Content Management Service. I understand that Blogger, Edublogs, Wiki, and