Every Friday I will post some of the coolerst, funnerest, and most spectaculous websites I find during the week. Hopefully the will keep you busy over the weekend.
1. http://www.classicalcomics.com/titles.html The Classics Graphic Novel Style
2. Sugar Sugar, a mind game from armor games that is more than fun, it is addicting. http://armorgames.com/play/10638/sugar-sugar
3.This one you just have to see to believe. Cursive Read
4. The Classics made cool again, this time with T-Shirts
5.There’s a Snape in My Boot.
6.Drip Read… This is the anti reading 30 Minutes a night . However, in a digital age, this is the digital answer to “I don’t have time.”
7. The World’s Coolest Bookstores.
8. For all of you Lord of the Rings fans….
9.How to make fried oreo cookies….
10. A site full of scary stories, urban legends and great stories.