Starter, Haiku Wall, Build a School Project

Starter (10 minutes)
Nouns, or nominatives of address, are the persons or things to which
you are speaking. They are set off from the rest of the sentence by a
comma or commas, may have modifiers, and are not related to the
rest of the sentence grammatically. If they are removed, a complete
sentence remains.
They may be first, last, or in the middle of the
sentence. Examples: John, where are you going? Where are you
going, John? Where, John, are you going?

Instructions: Using your composition notebook, find the Nominatives (see above), the subjects and verbs of the following sentences.
1. Sir, may I speak with you for a moment?
2. Jeff, are you leaving tomorrow?
3. Listen carefully to the instructions, boys and girls.
4. Fred, Anna needs your assistance for the afternoon.
5. Please, Mr. President, accept our apologies.

We will go over the answers on Thursday.

Haiku (5 Minutes)

When you have finished with the starter, grab a smaller Vis a Vis marker from the back of the room and quietly go out into the pod. You will see that I have written a Haiku on the window. I want you to do the same. Include your first and last name along with your class period and the Haiku. I would like all of 1st period to be on the top first window pain, 2nd period to be on the bottom first window pain, 3rd to be top second window pain, etc all the way through 7th. Please write legibly and somewhat organized so others can read them.

Build a School Time: By the end of today you should have the following requirements completely flushed out.  25-20 minutes

  1. Team Name
  2. Mascot/Logo
  3. School Name
  4. Mission Statement, Vision Statment,  and overall Purpose
  5. The skeleton of how your school will is organized. For example,  student teacher ratio, class length, school day length, how many classes per day, a day b day, traditional, year round, Middle, High, or college.
Remember your educational decisions have to be backed up by research. 


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