Free books are always good. In an effort to find more ways to implement technology in the classroom, I have been looking for great ebook sites. Many of the sites have similar books, but the formats vary from site to site.
Classic literature for download as free eBooks
It is hard to put into words what Project Gutenberg has done for language. We may not see it now, but someday we may look at the project in the same light as the printing press or moveable type. There constant goal since 1971 has been to digitize and maintain digital text world wide. They have teamed up with to provide audio for some of these books.
Here is the link to their site Project Gutenberg
Many Books
Books are updated everyday, no really, every day they are working on books. Here is the link. I like the way that this site organizes their selection. They have about 29,000 free eBooks categorized by title and
Planet eBook
Planet eBook has a lot of classics and are adding all of the time. The great thing about classics is that we get a new group every year because of expiring copyrights. Ebooks are a great way to read classic books, especially if you can get the audio versions.
Free Book Spot
This site as a lot of instructional books and a great list of fiction. If you use the categories on the right you should be able to find the genre and books that you are looking for.
A document-sharing site that is often described as a “YouTube for documents” because it allows other sites to embed its content. It allows people to upload files and others to download in various formats. This is a great site to find embed books to add-on to websites. See the example below. You can adjust the text to be whatever size you want.